
Monday 7 October 2013

NMA - Through the Never

NMA - Non-Mummy Adventure.

So Friday was a few firsts for me; first hair cut in about a year, first time I'd made an effort in my appearance since before Bear was born,  first time I'd been to the cinema in over two years and the first time I'd left Bear for longer a walk to the corner shop.

My husband and I drove to Crawley on Friday afternoon to see the new Metallica film 'Through the Never' at the IMAX. I'd left Bear that morning with my husband to go to the hairdressers, but I was only gone for about ninety-minutes and just down the road. Crawley on the other hand is an hour's drive away from our little home and so we were apart for several hours. I will admit I was a bit teary as I said goodbye but only because I wasn't with him and not because I believed he would receive anything but the best care from my mother-in-law.

We stopped off before the film to meet up with a friend and have a cheeky Starbucks. Now, I'm a coffee snob, I'm not going to lie. I wouldn't go so fa as to call myself an expert but work in the industry and I know good coffee. Starbucks is way down on that scale however my husband loves their frappucinos and I will admit their seasonal drinks provide a pleasing novelty. I ended up with a salted carmel hot chocolate with lashings of whipped cream and despite the fact it needed to be hotter and I had to ask for a spoon, it was very nice. I also necked a single espresso in the hope I'd stay awake for the whole movie. 

The film itself was a super-amped, high definition, three-dimensional mega-concert with a bit of a story spliced in. My husband and our friend loved it...I thought it was okay but then again, I'm not a die-hard Metallica fan, whereas they are. I've seen them live a few times, there's only so many times you can hear 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' without being bored if you're not a majar fan. I thought the story would be more present and involved, it was a bit narsacistic but then when isn't something like this? It was odd, gory, graphic and loud...essentially a metal fan's dream movie. Like I said, it was okay.

We finished our evening with dinner at TGIFridays, discussing the film, our up-coming gigs and the big Metallica announcement this week. The men didn't find my attempts at humour funny...I suggested the bad was breaking up, as well as a multitude of cross-dressing-based rumours. I also decided to attempt what I perceive to be the biggest burger, ever (foolishly didn't get a photo) and managed it (but donated half my chips).

I really, really enjoyed myself, however, because although dinner and a movie is quite mundane for most, for me the whole experience did wonders for reminding me who I am, underneath the layer of myself labelled 'Mummy'. It reminded me that I can still look nice, wear clothes unsuitable for breast-feeding in and have my company enjoyed if not talking about anything child-related.

Here's my 'ootd', excuse the toilet selfie!

I'm already looking forward to my next evening out.



  1. awhh im so glad you had a good time! These times are so important I think! I dont want to be defined by my child and end up like my mum; lost! xx

    1. Thanks Sophie, yes, we've always thought it really important, lady tear we went on holiday without our daughter, twice :/


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