
Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Double Buggy Dilemma

I'm hoping everyone is enjoying the wonderful summery weather that we're having!

So I have about eleven weeks until baby number two (or Bear as he is nick-named) is due to make his grand appearance into the world and I've begun to second guess myself in regards to pushchair choice.

Early on in my pregnancy I bought a second-hand Quinny Buzz off of eBay from a local couple. It was a bargain at £150 for chassis, dreami carrycot, seat, both rain covers, adapters, parasol, puncture repair kit, cosy toes and blanket. It is a fantastic bit of kit and will look fabulous when I finally get around to washing it all though it is in perfect condition anyway.

For Moo I had a travel system from Mothercare which has worked fine until recently when the brakes started to play up. It didn't have a carry cot, only a car seat which has since been lost in the many moves we have done since gaining said child. So that has now joined the cupboard under the stairs though I use it if we go out for the day.

When we have our niece-let, we use their double buggy, it's a McClarren and a big ol' beast of a double buggy. I find it heavy and clumsy, but I do have a bump so I should probably give it the benefit of the doubt. My friend has an Out and About three-wheeler and that seems much easier to handle.

Anyways, the point which I am making almost three too young to no longer have a pushchair? Initially I was going to get a buggy board, however I've heard that they are very tricky to fit your toddler on when you have the carry cot attached on the Buzz. I have bought a Maxi-cosi car seat so I suppose there is always the option of taking baby in that when walking with Moo.

The reason for this sudden change of mind is because recently I have been having some behavioural problems with Moo, primarily some running off (once into a road) but also leaving the playground this afternoon, I had to wrestle her into the pushchair to get her home. There was a lot of screaming and a lot of tears which is incredibly rare when it comes to her. I'm concerned about how I will manage when I have a tiny baby in toe also.

So below I have given my top choice for low, medium and high budget doubles...yknow...just in case...

Dream Weavers You and Me - £118.99 -
Baby Jogger City Mini Double - £399 -
Bugaboo Donkey Duo Pram and Pushchair - £1099 -

Has anyone else experienced the double-buggy dilemma?



  1. For what its worth, I didn't go double buggy. Typically i have the missy in the pushchair and the boy walking. BUT, in the back of my buggy is a pocket wherein lies the emergency baby sling. If I am caught short (because we use our buggy board so little, he can suddenly decide to misbehave out of the blue), I can quickly sling the baby and strap him in. He's four. Its an emergency solution and he hates it, and it usually results in a rapid return to good behaviour as walking is what he really wants.

    There are so many different kinds of slings and none of mine were expensive. But I would rather poke my own eye out than get one of those Baby Bjorn carriers which are so uncomfy for baby. Just saying that baby wearing could be a cheap (and lovely) alternative to a double buggy. Missy came in the sling everywhere when she was first small, because it wasn't till she reached six months that she lost her hatred of the pushchair. And I have a bad back and it was never uncomfortable.

  2. I'm going down the sling route and scrapped the idea of a double buggy


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